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Anytime, Anywhere

Summer Leadership Training
APO-Hawaii launches LFS Academy
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HIGHLIGHTING the foundational pillars of Alpha Phi Omega, APO Hawaii spearheaded a pioneering summer leadership program, the LFS Academy, on July 13 at the Filipino Community Center. As every APO member would readily translate, LFS stands for Leadership, Friendship, and Service.

“LFS Academy is our way of meaningfully celebrating the 17th anniversary of the founding of APO Alumni Association of Hawaii,” says Bro. Raymund Liongson, APO-Hawaii Secretary and initiator/seminar director of the new summer leadership program. APO Hawaii was established on July 15, 2007.


"We often talk about the three cardinal virtues of Alpha Phi Omega. How to pass on these virtues to the younger generation is a challenge and a responsibility for us," stresses Bro. Raymund.


The new initiative was attended by 40 youth and APO-Hawaii members. With former State Senator Bennette Misalucha as keynote speaker, the Academy had for its theme “Servant Leadership: Putting the Needs of the Community and Others First.” In her keynote address, Misalucha quoted the late Hawaii astronaut Ellison Onizuka: “Your vision is not limited by what your eyes can see, but by what your mind can imagine.” She reminded the attendees that trust, respect, and compassion are key elements of leadership, friendship, and service.

The leadership seminar was composed mostly of interactive experiential activities, followed by discussions and sharing of thoughts. “I like that this leadership training includes engaging activities and does not require us to simply listen to lectures,” commented one youth participant.

The leadership training was made possible with the generous support of the following sponsors: Gold Sponsors: APO-Hawaii and Bro. Melvin Calivoso; Silver Sponsor: Bro. Thom Pascual; Bronze Sponsors: Bro. Elmer & Ligaya Corotan, Bro. Giovanni & Sis Erma del Rosario, Bro. Melbourne & Sis Rossana Donalvo, Bro, Nur & Bernaddette Lamorena, and Bro. Raymund & Nicetas Liongson; and Donors: Bro. John & Marites Jacinto and Bro. Cedito Domingo.

A free lunch, LFS t-shirt, gift card, and certificate of participation were given to the attendees.

In her closing remarks, Sis Rossana Bartolome Donalvo, APO Hawaii president, described the LSF Academy as a new initiative that “fosters an environment of trust, collaboration and shared success.”


APO Hawaii intends to make LFS Academy an annual summer event to mark its foundation anniversary.

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Daily Working, Daily Striving
FilAm Veterans Memorial marker gets a facelift

The Filipino American Veterans Memorial marker at the Filipino Community Center got a facelift from members of APO Hawaii on July 14, 2024 when they reconditioned the soil and replaced the dying plants around it. Eight APO members dug out the clay, replaced it with compost and rich garden soil, and replanted the front of the historic marker.
The marker is dedicated to the World War II Filipino American veterans who made Hawaii their home and to all veterans of the United States and civilians who helped end War II.
The marble plaque reads: “This Memorial commemorates their courageous contributions to the United States, their love of this Great Nation, and their valiant sacrifices during that memorable war. We honor them for their love of Liberty and all that they did to preserve Freedom and Democracy.”
APO Hawaii volunteers included Bros. Sonny Belardo, Melvin Calivoso, Roxy De Guzman, Giovanni del Rosario, Melbourne Donalvo, John Jacinto, Nur Hussein Lamorena, and Raymund Liongson.
The Memorial was built in December 2003.

Book Donations
30 boxes of books shipped to Ilocos public schools
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Thirty balik-bayan boxes containing K-6 books were shipped to Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur in early May by APO-Hawaii. The Wonders Reading books were acquired from the Hawaii Department of Education through Salt Lake Elementary. This shipment is the fourth and largest that APO Hawaii has undertaken since it started the book donations program a few years ago. (MORE)

Hawaii AA to host 17th ACNA Biennial Convention, APO Centennial Celeb

APO Hawaii AA President Giovanni del Rosario (Beta Lambda, '93) received the symbolic convention key from Bro. Gaylord Arata (Iota Zeta, '90), President of Greater Washington APO that hosted the 16th APO ACNA Convention.


While APO members in North America are gathered in the Paradise of the Pacific, Hawaii will also host an APO Centennial Celebration that will welcome every Gold and Blue blood across the globe.

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APO Hawaii AA contingency pose with the newly elected ACNA President, Sis Ving Adriatico.

Attending the 16th ACNA Convention in Seattle from Hawaii were Bro. Giovanni del Rosario, Bro. Melvin Calivoso, Bro. Cedito Domingo, Bro. Elmer Corotan, Sis Coy Blanco, Bro. Noel Blanco, Bro. Thom Pascual, and Bro. Raymund Liongson.


Bro. Thom was appointed as the new ACNA Treasurer by Sis Ving Adriatico, the newly elected ACNA President. 


Bro. Raymund will chair the next (17th) ACNA Biennial Convention and APO Centennial Celebration that will be held in Hawaii in August 2025.

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